Functional Specifications
Use Cases
Use Cases


CompanyPassport is aiming to facilitate use cases that benefit from Electronic Attestations of Attributes (verifiable digital credentials) and wallets for legal entities. This type of technology is relatively new and not yet broadly adopted. However, the implementation of eIDAS 2.0 will provide an enormous boost for this technology an open a range of new opportunities. More specific regional, domain or use case specific agreements have to be specified to ensure interoperability within a digital ecosystem. This is the role for trust frameworks like CompanyPassport.

CompanyPassport will start with the initial use case of “Founding a Company” but several other use cases may be added. Some examples in the table below.

Use CaseDescription
Founding a CompanyUsing EAA’s to digitalize and optimize the process of founding a company.
Know Your Business (KYB) OnboardingUsing EAA’s to avoid duplicating expensive KYB onboarding by financial institutions.
Opening a business bank accountUsing EAA’s to avoid paperwork and error prone typing for opening a business bank account
Requesting a business insuranceUsing EAA’s to avoid paperwork and error prone typing for opening a business insurances
Automating Procurement PoliciesUsing EAA’s to request company certifications related to quality, sustainability and/or information security&privacy.
Company CertificationsIssuing EAA’s for any kind of company certification to offer machine readable proof of these certificates.
ESG ReportingUsing EAA’s to issue machine readable ESG reports consisting of the sum of various EAA’s from trusted issuers combined with self issued EAA’s.
Dataspace OnboardingUsing organizational EAA’s for automatically onboarding organizations based on the policies set by the dataspace (or any digital ecosystem).
e-InvoicingUsing organizational EAA’s and wallets to manage and discover identifiers and e-Invoicing end points
International Trade DocumentsUsing EAA’s and wallets to automate international trade documents