Functional Specifications
User Stories
User Stories


V.1 Create Presentation Request Template

As an Authorized Representative I want to create a presentation request template for requesting a holder for (a subset of) attributes from one or multiple attestations, so that certain types of presentations can be requested by the Organizational Wallet.

V.2 View Presentation Request Template

As an Authorized Representative I want to view a presentation template that can be requested by the Organizational Wallet.

V.3 Update Presentation Request Template

As an Authorized Representative I want to update a presentation template that can be requested by the Organizational Wallet, so that the structure of a presentation request can change over time.

V.4 Delete Presentation Request Template

As an Authorized Representative I want to delete a presentation template that can be request by the Organizational Wallet, so that presentation templates that are no longer needed can be deleted.

V.5 Configure Trust Framework for Verification

As an Authorized Representative I want to configure which trust framework(s) must be used to verify specific Attestations presented by holders.

V.6 Request Presentation

As an Authorized Representative I want to request the presentation of one or more Attestations from an external wallet on behalf of the Legal Entity, based on a presentation request template within the Organizational Wallet.