Functional Specifications
User Stories
User Stories


G.1 Initializing Organizational Wallet

As an Authorized Representative I want to contract an Organizational Wallet from a Wallet Provider for a Legal Entity I represent.

G.2 View Audit Log

As an Authorized Representative I want to view the audit log of the Organizational Wallet, so that I can see which actions have been performed by which actors within the system.

G.3 View Audit Log for Attestation

As an Authorized Representative I want to view the audit log of a specific Attestation, so that I can see which actions have been performed by which actors within the system for a specific Attestation.

G.4 Authenticate using SAML/SSO

As an Authorized Representative I want to authenticate to the Organizational Wallet using SAML/SSO authentication methods, so that I can access the Organizational Wallet on behalf of the Legacy Entity using existing infrastructure.

G.5 Access Wallet - Web Portal

As an Authorized Representative I want to access the Organizational Wallet though a web UI interface, so that I can manually represent the Legal Entity.

G.6 Store Contact

As an Authorized Representative I want to store the cryptographic identifiers of an external parties I interact with through the Organizational Wallet as a contact within the Organizational Wallet, to increase trust and so that future interactions with the external party are automatically linked to the existing contact.

G.7 Configure and View Organizational Identifier

As an Authorized Representative I want to configure and view the cryptographic identifier that is used within the Organizational Wallet for issuing, receiving, presenting and verifying Attestations, so that external parties can verify the interactions with the Organizational Wallet are with representatives of the Legal Entity.

G.8 Setting Access Rights

As an authorized representative I want to configure the authentication and authorization for the various features and roles in the Organizational Wallet.